As we all know WhatsApp aka Facebook-owned messaging platform in 2021 will be giving all of your private data to Facebook as per its new Privacy Policy. This had indeed created a huge impact among users across the globe as people, who want to safeguard their privacy is looking for alternatives.
While we can give you both the reasons to uninstall and the alternatives you should consider, the Signal app is one of the most promising and secure messaging platforms recommended for everyone. It’s been trending in India on Twitter today and has every right to do so as users are now aware of what is right and wrong for their privacy.
Already a lot of people are now uninstalling WhatsApp and switching to Telegram and Signal while the latter becomes the most downloaded app in multiple countries be it on App Store or Play Store:
In countries like India, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Finland, it’s been officially confirmed that Signal has become the most downloaded app in last few days and hours.
Users from various countries have confirmed that Signal has become the most downloaded app overall either or Play Store or App Store and has crossed WhatsApp as well as has become the first in communication category in places like the UK and the US.
It’s good to see a wide amount of people have reacted to this cause and given Facebook the true answer of using WhatsApp as a business, so it’s time for you as well to switch to a safer messaging platform like Signal!