Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), headed by Mukesh Ambani, said on Sunday that it will hold its 45th annual general meeting (AGM) on August 29. The meeting will be held by video conference and other audiovisual tools at 2 o’clock.
Reliance Industries and AGM
The “cut-off date” for selecting the members who are qualified to vote on the resolutions included in the notice of the AGM has likewise been established by the firm as August 22, which is a Monday.
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), headed by Mukesh Ambani, said on Sunday that it will hold its 45th annual general meeting (AGM) on August 29. The meeting will be held by video conference and other audiovisual tools at 2 o’clock.
The “cut-off date” for selecting the members who are qualified to vote on the resolutions included in the notice of the AGM has likewise been established by the firm as August 22, which is a Monday.
On the other hand, to identify the members who are entitled to receive dividends for the financial year 2021–2022, Reliance Industries has also designated August 19, which falls on a Friday, as the “Record Date.” The company said in the stock exchange filings that “the dividend if declared at the AGM, will be paid within a week after the conclusion of the AGM.”
About the Revenue
Reliance Industries recorded a 46 percent increase in its net profit for the quarter that ended in June 2022, totalling 17,955 crores on robust revenues from its telecom and refining divisions. In the same quarter the previous year, it had reported a net profit of $12,273 crore.
Its overall operational revenue was 223,113 crores, up 55 percent from 144,372 crores in the same period last year. Reliance even attributed its great result to the EU’s oil embargo on Russian oil, higher gas prices due to oil switching, increasing travel demand, and smaller product inventories.
Mukesh Ambani, chairperson, and MD of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) said that due to this and the uptick in demand, the fuel industry has become more competitive and product margins have improved. O2C business has had its best performance ever despite considerable obstacles brought on by constrained crude markets and high energy and freight prices.
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