Redmi recently brought its 32-inch and 43-inch Smart TV models to India. And today, both are coming up for sale on Amazon Great Indian Festival sale, though it’s only for the Prime members. The Redmi Smart TV 32-inch model comes at Rs. 10,999 effective price only and the higher model, which is 43-inch model, costs 20,499 only including offers. In terms of resolution, the entry-level model is equipped with an HD resolution panel, and the other has FHD resolution. The sale will start at 12 noon.
Redmi Smart TV 32-inch:
Redmi Smart TV 43-inch:
Have a look at all the features both the new TV models are packed with –
- 32″ HD / 43″ FHD display
- 64-bit Quad-core CPU
- Mali 450 GPU
- 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage
- 20W audio output with Dolby Audio, DTS Visual: X, and DTS-HD support
- Android 11 with Patchwall 4.0
- Dual band WiFi, Bluetooth 5.0, and multiple connectivity ports
- Built-in Chromecast, Google assistant, and PlayStore
- Mi Home app support to control smart home devices from one big screen only
- IMDB integration, universal search, kids mode, smart recommendations, and more