Redmi India has launched the Note 10 series including Redmi Note 10, Note 10 Pro, and Redmi Note 10 Pro Max. All these devices are 4G enabled and features a 120Hz Super AMOLED display on all three variants. These phones are powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processors and have been launched with very aggressive pricing in India.
You can see all the specifications, features, pricing, and offers of all three variants of the Redmi Note 10 series here.
Content creators have got early access to some of the devices of the series and are letting people know their honest opinions on these devices of the Redmi Note 10 series. Some of them have also put the most important 108MP camera sensor in the test as well. Especially the details on the camera of the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max will be discussed here. We have come across some information that reveals some important details of the camera of this model.
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1. First of all talking about the 108MP camera sensor, after clicking phone in 108MP camera mode the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max takes few seconds time to process the high-resolution image. Within that time if the camera is moved or the phone the image will have a blurry effect on it. This used to happen a long time ago when smartphone companies like Oppo, Gionee, and others had just introduced the Ultra Pixel technology that allows a 16MP camera to click pictures like 64MP camera and on that process we have to keep the phones still until the photo is fully processed or else we can get a hazy image.
2. A lot of people loves filming on the go which leads to another concern. In Normal mode the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max’s video is not stable while walking. This means that the EIS does not work properly or needs more calibration.
3. While in Wide-angle mode the video is reported to be stable while walking.
Read more about the Redmi Note 10 series here. |
Redmi Note 10: Redmi Note 10 Pro: Redmi Note 10 Pro Max: |