Qualcomm officially released its latest flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 recently. This means that in the coming weeks, we will get to see a lot of brands either officially announce their next device powered by this new chip or we will find out by the means of leaks. The latest phone that has been rumored to feature the newest chip is the Redmi K50S Pro. Here’s what we know about it so far:
Redmi K50S Pro/ Xiaomi 12T Pro leaked details:
As per tipster @xiaomiui, the newest Mi phone is set to arrive with the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip and it will be marketed under the Redmi branding only in China but overseas it will retail as the Xiaomi 12T Pro. In addition to this, there will be other devices such as the Mi 12 Ultra, Mi 12S Pro, and Mi MIX Fold 2 that will all be powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip.
However, a significant amount of these devices will be restricted to China when they release. Qualcomm had earlier announced that it will be launching the latest generation of Snapdragon chips in Q2 of 2022 and that Redmi will be one of the companies that will launch a device powered by it.
Xiaomi had also once said that the latest flagship chip by Qualcomm is a real leap forward and improvement in innovation. Both the companies have been jointly working together for months, and this new platform is a testament to their success as it is faster and more efficient than ever.
We are excited to see how the latest Snapdragon chips perform in devices and which brand will be the first to unveil a phone with it! If you want to know what is the hype around the latest chip, you can refer to this link!
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