Realme India announced the launch of a new smartphone series on X (previously Twitter) with a video teaser. The teaser indicates that the new lineup will be revealed shortly. The “Power Up”-themed trailer leaves viewers in the dark regarding the precise title and details of the future series.
Realme teases New Smartphone Series in India details
The brand’s post also makes a suggestion about the device’s possible camera capabilities. But Realme didn’t disclose anything else. Keep checking back for more information as we anticipate releasing more details soon.
The Realme GT 6 was also detected in the Geekbench database, indicating that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC was present. The SoC includes an Adreno 735 GPU, three Cortex-A720 performance cores clocked at 2.61GHz, four Cortex-A520 efficiency cores clocked at 1.84GHz, and one Cortex-X4 prime core clocked at 3.01GHz.
RAM up to 16GB can be paired with this processor. The database also says that Android 14 will be the default operating system for the smartphone. According to the FCC certification, the GT 6 will be powered by a dual-cell battery with a 2,680mAh rated capacity.
As of right present, the Narzo, numbered, and GT series of this smartphones are the most well-liked in India. We are interested to see how this competitive market will accommodate the new lineup. Concerning the GT series, the Realme GT6 is anticipated to make its Indian debut shortly. The gadget first surfaced with the model number RMX3851 on the BIS certification website for India and the Realme GT 6 name on Indonesia’s Telecom page.
A video teasing the arrival of a “new power” in India was posted with the teaser on Twitter. As of right now, the new smartphone’s name is a mystery. Given the teaser’s reference to “Power,” we anticipate the gadget to be a little more performance-oriented.