Some weeks ago, Realme revealed that it has sold over 10 lakh smartphone units during the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale. And now, Realme vice president Xu Qi revealed that realme has sold over 1 million units of smartphones during the Double 11 event through both offline and online mediums in just seven days. Xu Qi also said that this year’s goal of tens of millions of mobile phone sales in China will soon be achieved as per IT Home.
The Realme 2 Pro and Realme C1 are the two smartphones that achieved the highest sales during the Flipkart sale. But in China, the data shows that Realme Q3s is one of the models with the best sales data on Double 11 event with over 100,000 units being sold on the first day of sale alone. The phone is also a top seller in the omnichannel price range below 2,000 yuan (~$312).
Currently, the realme brand’s latest two mobile phones are Realme GT Neo2T and Realme Q3s, which are equipped with MediaTek Dimensity 1200-AI chip and Snapdragon 778G chip respectively, and the prices start at 1899 yuan(~$297) and 1499 yuan(~$234) respectively in China.
The vice president had also stated on November 2 that realme will be foraying into the high-end smartphone market with prices hitting the $700+ range. This will be done as early as next year. Xu Qi is yet to disclose more specific information about the high-end phones.
Recently it is reported that Realme is working on a ‘proper’ flagship smartphone that would likely carry a price tag of around CNY 5,000 (roughly Rs 58,000). According to Realme China President Xu Qi at the China Mobile Global Partner Conference 2021 (via ITHome), the smartphone will launch next year; however, other key specifications and details remain unclear at the moment.