Chinese tech pioneer realme has scheduled a launch event in India on the 24th of September. The company has confirmed that it will be unveiling a bunch of products and one of them will be the realme Narzo 50i.
Ahead of the official announcement of the device, the rear design has been revealed by a render courtesy of 91Mobiles.
The rear render of the upcoming realme Narzo 50i exposes the entire back design of the phone. It showcases the phone in a light green hue with a black-colored camera island and the branding in silver.
Though the camera setup appears to be a multiple lens setup, it is actually a single camera with an LED flash accompanying it. Further, more than half of the smartphone’s rear panel has stripes, while the remaining part appears to be plain.
Unlike most phones, the speaker on the device is located on the back, and it also has a grille for it.
We also get to see the volume rocker and the power key on the right side, last but not the least, if you look closely, there is a hint of a 3.5mm headphone jack at the bottom.
The publication did not specify anything with respect to the exact specs of the handset, however, it does say that the realme Narzo 50i will be the most affordable realme Narzo device to date.
Since September 24th is not that far away, we do not have to wait as long to learn about the detailed specs of the realme Narzo 50i.
Image Source: 91Mobiles
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