Though Realme loses its position to Oppo on the basis of the Indian market share in the second quarter of 2020, it ranked a good position in the Indian hearable market. Though Realme is a newcomer in this field with 3 months of spend time, it comes third as per the market share in India.
As per Canalys, within this short of a time period, Realme achieves 10% of the entire hearable market share. In the first two positions, there is boAt with 20% of market share and Samsung has a 19% market share. Considering the global pandemic, the achievement of Realme is very much impressive as well as surprising. on the other hand, both Sony and Xiaomi have 6% of the market share each.
The report also figured out that the Asia Pacific region had witnessed 61% of Year-on-Year huge growth of the smart personal audio devices in the first quarter of 2020. The shipment reached around 16 million at that time.
By analyzing the entire true wireless market condition, it can be surely said that Realme has entered this market at the right time. As a result, it can utilize the entire market demand to come in the third position in India.
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