PUBG is bringing a new update that contains new guns and lots of changes. The new version 8.1 will start rolling out from 19th August on PC. If you have an Xbox One, PS4, or Stadia, then you will get this update on 27 August. Currently, it is on the test server from 12th August.
Two new weapons are added in this new version – MG3 Light Machine Gun and Decoy Grenade.
MG3 Light Machine Gun
This new machine gun is going to be a part of the Battleground Care Packages. It holds 75 rounds of 7.6 mm bullets and has two different fire rate options. One is 660 RPM, another one is 990 RPM. The velocity of the bullet is 820 m/s. In the case of shooting at vehicles, the damage hiked by 1.5 times than regular.
Decoy Grenade
It is the new addition at the throwable range. Surprisingly, its sound is similar to the gunshot sounds. One can use it to disorient the enemies and can take cover or apply other strategies. Decoy Grenade is only available in the normal matches. If you look for it in Ranked Mode, you can’t get.
Along with these two, some guns like M416, SKS, and Kar98k are redesigned to feel better visually. Not only that, but the gunshot sounds also become better, four new docs are also added in Erangel.
Do Check Out 👇🏼