Xiaomi had launched the Redmi Note 10 series last month but had not announced any 5G version in India, despite launching the 5G versions of the series in the global market. In the meantime, a new POCO smartphone is expected to launch soon in India. POCO M3 Pro 5G is the name of the smartphone and has appeared in different certifications including BIS, and so the launch seems imminent.
Poco M3 pro 5G ( M2103K19PI) Listed on BIS certification. POCO M3 Pro has also received the TKDN certification.
For a better understanding we are sharing some key information of the upcoming smartphone.
- 6.5″ FHD+ IPS LCD 90Hz Display
- Dimensity 700
- 48MP+2MP+2MP Rear Camera
- 8MP Selfie
- 18W Fast Charging
The price of this device in India is expected to be around Rs.15,000.
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