After rumors about POCO launching its C50 smartphone in India soon, the company has verified the launch of the phone with a new teaser. The smartphone will be the third investiture of the Poco C series to enter India, succeeding the Poco C3 in October 2020 and Poco C31 in September 2021. The Poco C50 is believed to be the successor of the Poco C40 which saw a global launch. This smartphone is available for ₹ 8,499.
POCO C50 Specifications (Expected)
The POCO C40 was introduced to global requests in June, but the company didn’t launch it in India. Grounded on rumors, the C50 will be a rebranded interpretation of the Redmi A1 which was launched in India after the A1 with a hinder-mounted point scanner and a 3 GB RAM model.
Indeed the camera part in the new POCO teaser matches the Redmi A1/ A1. To remind you, it packs an a6.52 ″ HD screen, is powered by MediaTek Helio A22 SoC, runs stock Android 12 Go Edition, has an 8MP hinder camera along with a secondary depth detector, 5MP frontal camera and packs a 5000mAh battery with support for 10W charging.