As per Elec, Google had planned to deliver the device in the fourth quarter of this year but has now decided to postpone it. According to the outlet’s sources, the delay is due to the product not being as complete as Google would like.
The article didn’t mention when the foldable Pixel will be released. Still, well-connected Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) analyst Ross Young announced on Twitter that the gadget has been postponed until next spring, according to various sources in the supply chain.
About the Google Pixel Fold
This is the second time Google has delayed the release of its reported Pixel Fold, also known as the “Pixel Notepad” by some. Google planned to debut an in-folding smartphone in late 2021, according to documents revealed in 2020, but that didn’t materialize.
At Google’s recent I/O developer conference, the company didn’t even discuss foldable smartphones, leaving some Pixel fans wondering if the device was dead. Google stated in 2019 that it was researching technology that may be used in a foldable phone, but also acknowledged in the same breath that it didn’t see an obvious use case yet.
Identical to the Oppo Find N, the Samsung OLED panels Google is claimed to have picked for the gadget include a 5.8-inch outside the screen and a folding 7.6-inch inner screen. The phone is also said to have a Samsung-supplied ultra-thin glass (UTG) cover.
As per earlier rumors, Google’s smartphone would trail after Samsung’s Fold series. Young, on the other hand, feels that the delay is due to the advent of software advancements or a new chipset that Google wants to include into the gadget, rather than a display issue.
Apple Working on Foldable Display
Apple has been working on foldable display technology for several years, filing many patents in the process. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said in September that the first foldable iPhone would be released in 2024.
However, as per Young, Apple’s long-rumored foldable iPhone has been postponed until 2025. The delay was revealed following negotiations with supply chain sources, implying that Apple is not in a rush to enter the foldable market. Apple is testing various foldable iPhone prototypes, according to leaker Dylandkt, but this doesn’t necessarily indicate a foldable iPhone will be released soon.
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