Today is the birthday of Bollywood’s King Khan. On this occasion, the Pathaan teaser is out and it shows Shah Rukh Khan in a bold avatar. Shah Rukh Khan released the trailer teaser on the occasion of his 57th birthday on Wednesday. This is his first film with Siddharth Anand, who previously made War with Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff. Shah Rukh’s last movie was Zero in 2018 with Aanand L Rai.
In this film, we will see Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Pathaan teaser is out and it shows Shah Rukh Khan in an action avatar. The first teaser of Pathaan was shared by Shah Rukh Khan and Yash Raj Films on Wednesday and the actor pulls in a few deadly punches in the movie.
The new teaser starts with a woman who sounds like Dimple Kapadia, saying in a voiceover that Pathaan was caught by the enemies and tortured heavily on his last mission. But Pathaan is not so easily killed. He soon breaks out of his cell after an impressive fight scene and lands some kicks that even make his enemies explode. The action looks slick, even as the explosions look too raw and green screen.
We are then introduced to a sultry Deepika Padukone, who also gets to beat up a few baddies while romancing Pathaan. John Abraham seems to play Pathaan’s nemesis as they fight on trucks, snowmobiles, fighter planes, tanks, bikes, and other modes of transport. The trailer is full of action pieces, some romance, and many explosions.
Apart from Pathan, he also has Dunki with Taapsee Pannu, directed by Rajkumar Hirani, and Jawan by Atlee, co-starring Nayanthara. The film also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. It is directed by Siddharth Anand.
Deepika Padukone has starred with Shah Rukh in multiple movies previously, such as Om Shanti Om, Happy New Year, and Chennai Express.
Pathaan: Release Date
The film will hit the big screen on 25th January 2023. The film was released in three languages Hindi, Tamil, & Telugu.
Here is the teaser:
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