The official OnePlus India X (formerly Twitter) account features a teaser image shared by OnePlus. A rear panel schematic for the future tablet has been released by the company controlled by the BBK group. What’s work without a little play? and “All Play, All Day” are two of the teaser phrases used by OnePlus to announce the release of the next tablet.
OnePlus Pad Go details
Through the official social media account and on Flipkart, the item has already been teased. In addition, Digital Trends has shared a fresh image that gives us our first comprehensive view of the gadget.
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In an interview, Kinder Liu, the company’s president and chief operating officer, gave some details on the display features of the product. The forthcoming low-cost tablet will have a 2K panel and a 7:5 aspect ratio, which is quite similar to the OnePlus Pad, but they won’t compensate for the screen. An 11.6-inch display with a 2800 × 2000 resolution and 296ppi pixel density is included with the older sister.
Undoubtedly, the new “mid-tier entertainment tablet” will have a better display than the rest of the rivals in the same market. The display will also support Dolby Atmos for better audio quality and be equipped for eye care.
Additionally, the option to mirror screens, sync notifications, and manage calls will be available. OnePlus wants to add more functionality to its tablets and smartphones to enhance cross-device compatibility.
The OnePlus Pad Go will initially run Android 13 on OxygenOS 13, but an update to Android 14 will be made available soon after.