According to the officials, OnePlus is all set to launch the special edition of the OnePlus Nord on October 14. The company has posted about this upcoming edition on their Instagram handle. The OnePlus Nord has been going for sale from September 2020 at a price tag of Rs. 24,999 (6GB/64GB) and Rs. 27,999 (8GB/128GB) exclusively on the Amazon website. We can expect that most of the specifications of the Special edition will be similar to the original one. There might be a little number of changes. But OnePlus has not revealed officially yet regarding the specifications or pricing of the OnePlus Nord Special Edition. From the image that has been uploaded on Instagram, we can assume that the device will be available in Matte Black color.
If we try to research and make some assumptions about this phone, we can find that a couple of days ago some leaks were on the internet about the OnePlus Nord SE or something OnePlus Nord Lite. There were some expected specifications regarding this phone. We can assume that right now OnePlus is teasing something about the Nord Lite, which can be the special edition of the OnePlus Nord.
The main highlight of this phone can be its pricing. OnePlus is mainly known for its premium high-end budget phones and this upcoming phone may carry a price tag under Rs. 20,000. Getting an OnePlus smartphone under 20,000 is something really good for its users. Moreover, it is also expected that this phone will be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 SoC chipset, which will be really valuable for the money. Apart from it, it was also rumored that this phone will offer the 5G connectivity. If it is really there, then it can be the best smartphone under 20,000.
As of now, everything is assumptions and rumors. The company has not shared anything about this phone. We can hope, in the upcoming days, OnePlus will share something more about this upcoming member of the Nord series.