The OnePlus Wireless Z2 came on sale in India on 5th April this year. After almost three months, OnePlus has introduced a new colour option for this wireless earphone. Initially, there were Magico Black and Beam Blue colour variants. Now, the Acoustic Red model joins them. Fortunately, there is no price shift. It costs Rs.1,999 only, at the same price it was launched.
Product Page:
OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 Review: The best you can get under INR 2,000
OnePlus Bullets Z2 Specifications:
- A quick 10-minute charge delivers up to 20 hours of immersive audio playback.
- The flagship-level battery life delivers up to 30 hours of non-stop music on a single charge.
- A large 12.4 mm bass driver delivers uncompromisingly deep bass for powerful beats. Experience incredibly rich audio detail at every frequency with the titanium coating dome
- Anti-distortion audio technology ensures your audio playtime stays silky-smooth. Thanks to the larger sound cavity and industry-leading algorithms, notes remain distortion-free
- Water and sweat-resistant, the IP55-rated internals and design ensure your OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 stay all-weather ready.
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