In the audio field, few brands are playing at above Rs.3,000 price range and even above Rs.10,000. OnePlus is one of those few electronics brands with audio product offerings from affordable to premium price tags. You might know about the OnePlus Buds Pro 2. It was launched at Rs.11,999 at the beginning of this year.
If you have eyes on it, but couldn’t place the order for higher pricing, here is the golden chance for you. The Amazon Prime Day sale is allowing this premium TWS to list at Rs.10,499 only. On top of it, you can club bank offers as well. So, effectively you can own the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 at below Rs.10,000. It is available in two color options – Obsidian Black and Arbor Green.
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You can refer to our review of the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 for a better understanding, in case you still have any doubts somewhere.
OnePlus Buds Pro 2 Features
- Seamless connectivity: Instantaneous pairing with OnePlus smartphone, as soon as you open the charging case lid. It also has Google Fast Pair that helps to connect any android phones easily. To use earbuds functions, please upgrade the Wireless Earphones APP or OnePlus Buds APP to the latest version from Google Play.
- Spatial audio: Enjoy Spatial Audio with Dynamic Head Tracking feature that helps you experience sounds on a whole new level. Co-created with Dynaudio: Helps you achieve optimal listening experience. Smart Scene Noise Cancellation2.0 : Up to 48dB Ultra-wide frequency noise cancellation system with personalized ANC
- Worry-free Battery Life: Up-to 40 Hours Battery with quick charging 10 minutes for 3 hours of use with ANC on. Full charged earbud: up to 6h(music playback; ANC ON); up to 9h(music playback; ANC Off). OnePlus Audio ID2.0 : Personalize your audio via simple listening test at first time setup. This unique hearing profile ID allows one to enjoy the most optimal listening experience best suited to him or her by compensating for mild hearing loss and related aural deficiencies.
- Powerful, Punchy Bass with clear vocals: Drop the bass and listen to clear vocals with dual 11mm + 6mm dual drivers, delivering a precisely boosted sound profile designed to move you.
- 3Mic AI for better call and noise cancellation. IP55 Water, Dust and Sweat resistant.
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