The launch date of the OnePlus 8T just added to the Amazon India page and within the next 24 hours, all the display specs are revealed by the company CEO Pete Lau. On the other hand, the pricing details are also leaked, though it happened on the Amazon Germany page. First coming to the display features.
Display :-
Around a week ago, almost all the specs of the OnePlus 8T were leaked. You can check the article here. As per the leaks, the handset should have a 6.55-inch AMOLED display with Full HD+ resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. In the exclusive interview with TechRadar, Pete confirmed, “the OnePlus 8T comes with a 6.55-inch, 120Hz fluid display, which is the same size as [the] OnePlus 8” and this is added to provide users “a buttery smooth display experience”. It will also improve the “overall viewing and gaming experience considerably.” Apart from these, he also said they are using a 2.5D flexible panel for the first time that can reach a maximum brightness of up to 1100nits.
Pricing :-
As I said earlier, the pricing of the OnePlus 8T is leaked on the Amazon Germany page. According to that information, the 8GB/128GB variant will cost €599 which is roughly Rs.51,700 whereas the highest 12GB/256GB variant will come at €693 i.e. around Rs.59,800. However, OnePlus has a habit of pricing aggresively in India.
Hope you know the launch date is scheduled for 14th October at 7:30 PM IST and this is going to be another 5G smartphone. We shared the other leaked specs of this OnePlus 8T earlier. In case you don’t know chech that post here.
Do Check Out 👇🏼