The most recent OnePlus 12 teaser is a benchmark result from AnTuTu. With a total score of 2,333,033, the OnePlus flagship—which will include a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, 24GB of RAM, and 1TB of storage—achieved the greatest AnTuTu score to date.
OnePlus 12 AnTuTu scores details
When OP 12’s scores were broken down by category, they were 533,566 for the CPU test, 904,961 for the GPU department, 538,511 for the memory test, and 355,995 for the UX department. The OnePlus 12 has a bigger VC heat dissipation system in addition to its flagship CPU, RAM, and storage. This feature helps the chipset perform better under demanding stress tests like AnTuTu.
In addition to these optimizations, OnePlus also includes a minimalistic UI on its devices, which means that there is probably less overhead when it comes to CPU and memory utilization, allowing for better performance when using apps like AnTuTu. The vapor chamber and the remarkable Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and 24GB LPDDR5X RAM combination are the last points of credit for the score, which was attained by the 8-core chipset’s extended endurance.