Earlier this week, OnePlus has launched its latest flagship, the OnePlus 10 Pro globally. Even before a majority of its customers can get their hands on their devices, the company has already launched a software update that features a lot of improvements and optimization to various aspects of the smartphone.
New OnePlus 10 Pro update features camera, system, and network improvements
OnePlus has posted the changelog of the update on its community forum. As per this site, the Indian variant of the OnePlus 10 Pro is receiving an update with firmware version NE2211_11.A.11. While the European variants are receiving the updated with firmware version NE2213_11.A.12.
OnePlus has the optimized portrait mode with this update along with focusing speed for slow-motion videos. Apart from this, it also brings improvements to the fingerprint sensor and optimization of the WiFi performance.
Following are the other changes in the changelog below:
- Camera:
- [Optimized] the speed of focusing for videos shot in SLO-MO mode
- [Optimized] the quality of taking photos in PORTRAIT mode
- [Optimized] the white balance effect for the front camera
2. System:
- [Optimized] fingerprint algorithm and improve the success rate of fingerprint unlocking
- [Optimized] games performance and fluency
- [Improved] system stability
3. Network:
- [Optimized] timeliness and stability of WiFi connections, enhance WiFi experience
- [Fixed] the issue of unstable mobile signal in specific scenarios
As per some tweets, the OnePlus 10 Pro update seems to be rolling out in India with an OTA size of 809MBs. Users waiting for the first sale date of 5th April will be greeted with a day 1 update on their devices.
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