For the Indian market, Nokia had mostly its smartphones and TVs till January 2021. In the month of February, it brings Nokia Power Earbuds Lite truly wireless earphones to catch up with the recent trends on audio devices. This product was listed on the Amazon India page as well as on Nokia India official website way earlier but hit the Indian market on 17th February for the first time.
Now, for those who missed placing the order, Nokia is bringing the Power Earbuds Lite again in stokes from this Saturday. The selling counter will be open via Amazon India at 12 noon. Make sure you get ready tomorrow on time to place the order. It costs Rs.3,499.
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The Nokia Power Earbuds Lite has a longer battery of 35 hours including the case. The time considered here is the playtime which means that you can listen music up to 35 hours with several charges from the case in one go.
It is advertised to be a pocket sized earbud case, which means that it is quite compact than others in the market and the company claims you can move around easily taking it in your pocket.
The earbuds come with IPX7 rated waterproofing that can hold up to 30 minutes in 1 meter of water. This clearly indicates that your sweat while working out will not be a problem from now on.
It has a perfect fit in the ears and has easy-touch controls that allows you to control your music with only a single touch on the body of the earbuds.