Noise, the leading wearable maker in India has refreshed its headphone portfolio with the launch of Noise Powr. It’s an on-ear headphone, coming with lots of features at an exciting price. The actual price of this headphone is Rs.3,999, however, it will be available at a special launch price of Rs.1,399 via Amazon India and Noise’s official website. The sale will start on 24th March at 12 AM. Make sure you set the sale reminder from the link given below.
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Noise Powr Features
The Noise Powr on-ear headphone packs 40mm of massive audio drivers inside which delivers the Noise signature sound with proper bass. The Tru Bass Technology is also added to support the same, as per Noise’s claim.
This headphone has both wireless and wired connectivity options available. The Bluetooth connectivity even supports dual pairing and the AUX option is there as a wired connection option.
Coming to the battery life, the Noise Powr can provide up to 25 hours long playtime on a single charge and up to 8 hours of playtime if you use the Instacharge technology. The headphone has a Type-C port for charging, so no need to carry a separate cable while travelling.
Other than the mentioned features, the voice assistant support and the remote is also present in the Noise Powr headphone.
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