Money Heist is a Spanish heist crime drama series. This story is based in Madrid, in the first two seasons a mysterious man named ‘The Professor’ recruits a set of 8 people who choose city names for themselves to avoid personal sharing of life in order to carry out an extraordinary, brilliant, impossible, and ambitious plan of robbing The Royal Mint of Spain.
In the next two seasons, the groups are forced to come out from their nutshell in order to save one of their members of the heist. In this season, they prepared for a second heist, this time, it’s The Bank of Spain, and again they deal with hostages and police forces simultaneously.
Netflix is currently casting characters for a Money Heist immersive experience. It is going to launch in 5 different cities around the world for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022. Netflix has dabbled in in-person events before whether it’s bringing Stranger Things to Universal Studios Hollywood or running screenings in a unique way. Earlier, it has also done plenty of viral marketing but Money Heist: The Experience seems to be something on a different level.
Multiple cities are hosting the event including:
- Paris (from July to September 2021)
- London (from November to December 2021)
- Miami, Florida (from October to November 2021)
- Mexico City (from November to December 2021)
- New York City (from December to February 2022)
It’s also expected to eventually touch down in Milan, Lisboa, Los Angeles, Madrid, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Berlin, and Rome.
According to the main website, the experience will carry you out on a heist in order “to get the gold”. The experience is all about 60 minutes that will lead us to the adventure and will allow us to “live out, first-hand, scenes inspired by the hit series “Money Heist”.” Tickets will be costing around £50 or $60 depending on your location.
According to Timeout, producers of the event have “promise astounding visual effects and unexpected plot twists as no two experiences are alike—your interactions with each of the characters determine your fate in this choose-your-own-adventure journey.”
The project casting has given us the lead about some more details including what new characters will be introduced for the interactive experience at the Miami location.
Four roles are set to be filled including:
Simone – The Leading Lady. Simone is book-smart, slightly nerdy but attractive. An actor should be comfortable lifting medium-sized objects and should have the stamina for multiple shows a night. Stage combat experience is a plus, not a must.
Reykjavik – The Leading Man. Reykjavik is handsome and charming but still rugged and rough around the edges. Must be in very good shape and experienced in fight choreography/stage combat with stamina for multiple shows a night. An actor should feel comfortable lifting and resetting heavy objects.
Chicago – The Mole. Chicago is young, smart, and very tech-savvy. He or she is a little smaller in stature, but still athletic. must have strong improvisational skills and be able to blend into a crowd of ticketed guests. The actor must be proficient in fight choreography and comfortable with stage combat. Other tasks include lifting and resetting heavy objects for multiple shows per night
Shanghai – The Captain. Shanghai is a dangerous thief and mastermind. He looks well-kept, but has a commanding presence, is intimidating in size, and has stern facial features. This role requires strong combat and fight choreography skills, so the actor must feel very comfortable repeating several shows every night.
We all know that Money Heist is approaching its end, it is going to end this year itself. But Netflix is doing this interactive experience in order to keep the brand alive. There were many rumours all around, we have heard that there are rumours about spin-offs for a while now. The rumours also came to know that the show is also getting a K-drams remake too.