Today at the grand Product Launch Event of Xiaomi the company had launched four new smartphones and all are from the Mi 11 series. To recall the Mi 11 5G was launched last year with the Snapdragon 888 chipset and was the first smartphone in the world to launch with that processor. Now the company has launched four new models of that series among which Mi 11 Lite and Mi 11 Pro looks similar to the Mi 11 whereas the Mi 11i looks like the Redmi K40 Pro+. The top model of the series is named Mi 11 Ultra and does live up to the name as well.
The Mi 11 Ultra has a secondary screen beside its rear camera module. This phone is nothing like any other smartphones in the series and is aptly named Ultra. As per Manu Kumar Jain, Global VP and MD of Xiaomi India, the Indian fans are demanding the launch of this device in India by this year. This said, Manu Kumar Jain has told Xiaomi India fans to retweet one of his Mi 11 Ultra tweets to increase the chance of the launch to happen in India.
This said, people all over India are getting a hope to see the device sooner than ever. This also means that the company is wiling to launch the Mi 11 Ultra for Indian consumers and this might be the first official hint to launch the device in coming months. Xiaomi India will not hold back to compete in any possible ways from its competitors and might also it sooner than Manu hinted.
Though the company has not given any final words on the launch of the Mi 11 Ultra in India but we are looking up at the words given by Manu.
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