In Apex Legends season 12 they introduced a new legend name, Mad Maggie. She was Fuse’s Ex-friend and current rival, she destroyed a part of King’s canyon when Fuse was introduced as an act of vengeance and now as a punishment, she was sent to the Apex Games.
In Season 8 when Fuse was introduced they introduce Maggie also. She and Fuse was a childhood friend and they grew up in Salvo the planet was at war for more than 50 years and being bought up on a planet like this they became great fighters, but when fuse goes to join Apex Games.
Maggie thinks Fuse’s act to join Apex was a betrayal and she became Mad at Fuse now she is back in the Season 12 of Apex Games seeking her vengeance.
The abilities of Mad Maggie’s are-
Passive-She can move faster with a shotgun that’s why she is the Shotgun Goddess. The movement speed while having a shotgun in the hand of Mad Maggie is really impressive and she can move really fast with a shotgun that even Octane can’t beat her.
Tactical ability-Riot Drill-She can fire a drill that burns enemies through obstacles. With this ability, you can even destroy doors and the enemy behind the doors can get damaged by this drill.
Ultimate ability-Wrecking Ball-Throws a ball that creates multiple speed spots for Maggie and her teammates and detonates the nearby enemy’s shield. These speed spots increase the movement speed of Maggie and her teammates which helps in an attacking scenario and if enemies come near these speed spots these spots detonate and give damage.