Logitech, on this Monday, launched the successor of its Anywhere 2s. The new product, Anywhere 3, has the key feature to customize the side buttons. Through the side buttons, users can control camera and mic settings during a video call. There are two models, one is compatible with all the platforms like Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Linux, on the other hand, the second model is specially customized for the macOS.
The Anywhere 3 has the capability to scroll up to 1,000 lines in each second with the help of the next-generation MagSpeed metal scroll wheel. Interestingly you can increase or decrease this capacity from Logitech’s software. Other than that it can shift automatically between ratchet and hyperfast mode. The company says users can use this mouse on any surface including glass, thanks to the Darkfield sensor technology.
Users can connect Anywhere 3 with up to three devices via either Bluetooth or using the USB dongle that comes with the mouse. The mouse will also provide the facility to copy and paste content across devices.
Coming to the charging and battery part, Logitech has added a Type-C port for that, and in one single charge, the mouse can run for up to 70 days. For rush moments, it can serve for three hours against only one-minute of charge.
The normal version of the Anywhere 3 is coming with three color options – Graphite, Pale Grey, and Rose. The mac version, on the other hand, has only a pale grey option. Each unit costs $79.99 i.e. roughly Rs.5,900.
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