LG has geared up to bring its new professional monitor to the Indian market. LG UltraFine Display OLED Pro is the model listed on the Amazon India page with looks and details. Though it’s already launched, yet to come to the online market. The official sale date is not revealed and the pricing too. But, as per LG India’s official website, this professional monitor costs INR 3,13,500.
Set Notification for Sale: https://amzn.to/3MIWO7X
LG UltraFine Display OLED Pro Features
The professional-grade display screen from LG has a 32-inch in size and comes with 3840X2160 pixels 4K UHD resolution. The panel used by the maker is a 10-bit OLED and has support for both 99% DCI-P3 Colour Gamut and 99% Adobe RGB Colour Gamut. Hence, there is neither any question about colour accuracy nor the supported colours.
This LG UltraFine Display OLED Pro is a professional monitor, right? To help you to pick the accurate colour, LG has added multiple colour modes which you can set based on the content floated on the screen. There are BT.2100, P3/PQ P3 and DCI-P3, and Adobe RGB.
To avoid any kind of connectivity issues, LG has added multiple ports with this scree. We can see a USB Type-C port, two Display ports, one HDMI port, and three USB ports.
LG Store: https://amzn.to/3LQMl9C
Today’s Deals: https://amzn.to/3MMY227