Lava is gearing up for an exciting smartphone launch in the Indian market. In a prelude to the official announcement, Sunil Raina, President, and Business Head at Lava, has unveiled the eagerly anticipated device: the Lava Blaze Pro 5G. This follows the recent introduction of the Blaze 2 Pro 4G by the same brand in the country. It’s important to note that the Lava Blaze Pro 5G is set to step into the shoes of its predecessor, the Blaze Pro, which first graced the Indian market back in September of the previous year.
The Rumored Lava Blaze Pro 5G
While the exact launch date and availability details of the Blaze Pro 5G smartphone in India have not yet been disclosed by either Lava or Sunil Raina, crucial specifications of the device remain shrouded in secrecy for now. However, Raina did drop a hint – the company has an array of exciting launches up its sleeve, aimed at making 5G smartphones accessible to a wider audience. This tempting data strongly hints that the Lava Blaze Pro 5G will soon make its grand entrance in the country, possibly within the upcoming weeks.
Simultaneously, an informed source, Abhishek Yadav, has generously shared some key insights into the Lava Blaze Pro 5G. Beneath the sleek exterior, this device is expected to pack a punch with a MediaTek Dimensity 6020 processor. A leaked image provides a sneak peek at the phone’s design, showcasing a distinctive boxy form factor adorned with two conspicuous camera rings housing a 50MP primary sensor, a supplementary lens, and an LED flash unit.
The rear panel appears to feature an eye-catching gradient design, available in a stylish White/Silver color variant. According to Yadav’s insider information, the Lava Blaze Pro 5G is slated for a launch in India by the end of the current month, and its price is anticipated to fall below the ₹15,000 price bracket.