On Tuesday, Colors shared the teaser of Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 12 by Rohit Shetty. In the teaser, it made the announcement of the premiere date of this popular reality show. The show is going to air from 2nd July 2022 onwards.
Khatron ke Khiladi Season 12: Premiere Date
Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 12 is going to premiere on 2nd July 2022 from 9pm onwards on Colors Tv channel. The reality show will air on Colors Tv every Saturday and Sunday from 2nd July onwards. This time the show is going to be shot in Cape Town.
The teaser of the Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 12 reads, “Khatron ka vaar hoga iss baar non-stop! Dekhiye Khatron Ke Khiladi, 2nd July se, har Sat aur Sun, raat 9 baje, sirf Colors par. (Watch Khatron Ke Khiladi on July 2, every Saturday and Sunday from 9 pm onwards on Colors TV.)”
The Dance Deewane Juniors show will be replaced by Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 on Colors. The participants of the upcoming show are Rubina Dilaik, Sriti Jha, Shivangi Joshi, Kanika Mann, Pratik Sehajpal, Mohit Malik, Tushar Kalia, Chetna Pande, Rajiv Adatia, Nishant Bhat, Jannat Zubair, and Mr. Faisu
Mr. Faisu while talking about Khatron Ke Khiladi has said, “Honestly never. I never thought those videos made for fun would bring me here. I could never imagine doing this interview or participating in Khatron Ke Khiladi. And this is why I want to make the most of my opportunity. I just want everyone to pray that I do well on the show.”
Nishant Bhat, a reknowned choreographer is also participating in the show, it is his second reality show after Bigg Boss. He has shared that he personally feels that stunt based reality shows are a step-up for him. He further said, “After Bigg Boss, I feel Khatron Ke Khiladi is a step up for me, and this time I am even more determined to survive this battlefield. I will give my best shot at overcoming my fears. I am looking forward to exploring myself in this new space under Rohit sir’s guidance”.
On the other hand, Rohit Shetty is looking forward for his new film Cirkus, which marks his second film with Ranveer Singh while Simmba is the first one.
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