iQOO Z5 has launched a couple of months ago in India. It was launched as the successor of the iQOO Z3 5G smartphone and it instantly became a mid-range hit. The iQOO Z5 5G is now getting another makeover with a different name – iQOO Z5 Cyber Grid. This is claimed to be a new variant of the iQOO Z5 5G smartphone that will be launched in India today which is on 15th November.
The company has officially tweeted the launch date along with some of its key features. iQOO claims that the smartphone will support a SnapDragon 778G 5G processor and a 44W FlashCharge.
The company is teasing a different look of the smartphone in the recent images, but the exact design is still unknown and it will be revealed today during the launch. The iQOO Z5 Cyber Grid will be available via Amazon today.
Now get an instant Rs.1,500 discount while purchasing the iQOO Z5 from Amazon. The listed price of the device on Amazon is ₹23,990.
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