Intel launched a bunch mini-PCs called under the NUC brand name, with the latest 11th Gen Tiger Lake CPUs at CES 2021. Among all of them what stood out was the Intel NUC 11 Performance (Panther Canyon) that came with new Tiger Lake CPUs.
The NUC 11 Performance is codenamed the Panther Canyon. It is available with a Core i3-1115G4, Core i5-1135G7, or a Core i7-1165G7 processor and comes in three sizes. Intel has released two versions of the NUC 11 Performance, one with a built-in wireless charging pad.
Ports included in the NUC 11 Performance include:
- Two Thunderbolt
- Four USB Type-A
- Ethernet
- Two dedicated video outputs.
The mini-PC also supports Thunderbolt 4, but for now, only Thunderbolt 3 has been listed under the specifications.
Now, as Anandtech reports, due to the supply chain issues in the industry due to the ongoing pandemic, a lot of companies are unable to meet the demand of the customers. The Intel NUC 11: Panther Canyon was announced without any price or availability details, recently Intel has confirmed that the Panther Canyon NUC family will only be distributed in the Asia-Pacific region.
However, Intel has promised that other NUC 11 mini-PCs like Intel NUC 11 Pro (Tiger Canyon) or the Intel NUC 11 Enthusiast (Phantom Canyon) and Compute Element (Elk Bay) will be available worldwide. It is expected that the Intel NUC 11 Performance will prove to be an affordable option for Tiger Lake powered mini-PCs.