India’s Union Electronics and Information Technology minister Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, on this Tuesday, announced a ‘Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge’. Its a part of the government’s self-reliant country mission. This challenge will help the nation to extract local innovative idea holders for sure.
An official statement reads – “Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge- Innovate Solutions for #Aatmanirbhar Bharat seeks to invite innovators, startups and students to use these microprocessors to develop various technology products…this initiative is aimed at not only meeting India’s future requirements of strategic and industrial sectors but also has the potential to mitigate the issues of security, licensing, technology obsolescence and most crucially cutting dependency on imports,”
The registration process is already started from 18th August and the challenge will go over 10 months long. 100 semi-finalists will get the opportunity to achieve a total of Rs. 1 crore, where 25 finalists get the same amount in total. The top 10 finalists will win Rs. 2.3 crore in total and one-year incubation support. So, the government is spending all total Rs. 4.3 crore in different stages of this challenge.
The official statement also reads – “Above all, participants will get an opportunity to translate their innovations around swadeshi processors, showcase them at a higher viewership platform and facilitate them to scale from ideation to marketplace, thereby standing a chance to contribute to the overall mission of AtmaNirbharta of the government,”
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