As per reports, Google wants to move the manufacturing of its premium Pixel phone to India. The Information cites a company source in its report on the development. The behemoth produces all of its Pixel devices in China.
According to the source, Google has requested bids from Indian manufacturers for the production of 500,000 to 1 million Pixel devices. The anticipated annual total production of Pixel is made up of this (10–20%). Earlier this year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai made hints about a plan to produce Pixel smartphones in India, but the report claims that no decision has been made in this regard. Even if the company is granted permission to produce Pixel devices in India, China will still be required to export some parts.
Google’s Smartphone Manufacturing Unit Details
This decision to shift production of Pixel phones outside of China is a result of the COVID-19-related lockdowns that have disrupted international supply chains. Additionally, a trade war between Washington and Beijing is still going strong, with the former even forbidding the export of expensive semiconductors to China.
According to a different report, Alphabet Inc. may be considering Vietnam as a different location for production.
Apple, a competitor of Google, has been contracting manufacturing four different iPhone models in India for some time. It is generally predicted that the recently released iPhone 14 will be produced domestically in the nation starting in the fourth quarter of this year.