The Google Pixel 7 is currently on sale for Rs 36,499 with all discounts during the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale. The Pixel 7 is a smartphone that was released in 2022 and is known for its powerful processor, adaptive battery, and excellent camera array. While the Pixel 7’s original price may be considered expensive by some, the current sale price makes it a more affordable option for those looking for a high-end smartphone. The sale price is available on Flipkart and includes all offers such as the exchange of eligible devices.
You should buy this Google Pixel 7 as this has an excellent camera array that takes high-quality photos and videos. It includes features like Astrophotography, Cinematic Blur for video, Photo Unblur, and Magic Eraser. The Pixel 7 is equipped with Google’s Tensor G2 processor, which provides a smooth and fast performance. The Pixel 7 has a stunning, bright, and vibrant display with a 90Hz refresh rate that provides a smooth and fluid experience.
Specifications of Google Pixel 7
- Google Pixel 7 5G: Simple but not normal. We’ve adopted TPU (Bayer) material and a perfect new design that minimizes bulk and maxiRedmi Mizes portability. Keeps your phone always brand new.
- PERFECT FIT: Precisely designed for Google Pixel 7 5G, the case has open cutouts for speakers, charging ports and audio ports. Covers the buttons neatly and offers quick accessibility. Feel the ease of using your phone freely.
- EXCELLENT GRIP: Premium, smooth, matte-finish coating provides excellent grip and provides maximum scratch resistance. Your device will never stick to your pocket or slip off your hand. A great, easy-to-hold experience.
- ALL-ROUND PROTECTION: Includes 4-side protection, strengthened corners and a raised edge to protect the screen and most importantly the cameras. No need to worry about accidental shocks or drops.
- EASY TO INSTALL: Just Slip your Phone in The Case and you’re ready to go.
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