A new report has revealed certain interesting information about the Google Pixel 6 Pro. The leak shared the video quality and camera samples of the flagship smartphone, which will apparently also have a slightly curved display.
The leak arrives from This is Tech Today on YouTube, the channel revealed camera samples taken from a Pixel 6 Pro. Keep in mind, that these images were taken with pre-production software and are not high-resolution copies, so the images are not as good as the ones that will be taken by the retail Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro units.
Further, the YouTuber also revealed the Pixel 6 Pro’s zoom capabilities along with the device’s low light photographic capabilities.
The channel also focused on the Pixel 6 Pro’s ability to create depth of field effects. Although, he did face image flickering in a sample video along with poor image stabilization.
But again, it is still very early to judge the quality of the images and videos shot by the Pixel 6 Series, we will have to wait for the official release unit to get a clear idea about the Pixel 6.
One of the highlighting details leaked in the YouTube video was the display of the Pixel 6 Pro. The smartphone can be seen sporting a slightly curved display on the front.
This curved display is similar to the one found in the Vivo X70 Pro+, which uses a Samsung E5 AMOLED panel. In other words, the display is slightly curved but not aggressively as Huawei flagship devices.
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