Earlier this year, Gamescom, the trade fair for video games announced to held the event in a hybrid way. That means, there will be both the physical presentations at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, and online events as well. The authority decided to open the physical meetup with a limited number of visitors only. However, currently, it seems the promise will not be feasible.
Gamescom recently announces that the event is returning to All-Digital format. We all are familiar with the reason, the waves of the coronavirus. In fact, there was uncertainty whether people can join physically as lockdowns are imposing again in many parts of the world.
The authority writes, “Even though the hybrid concept was very well received by the partners, we had to recognize that Gamescom still comes too early for many companies in the industry due to the required planning reliability. One thing is absolutely clear: All those involved now need planning reliability. That’s why we’re going for a purely digital show again this year and, with sufficient lead time, will be able to offer the gaming community an even stronger online event at the end of August 2021.”
It’s very unfortunate that the Hybrid way can’t follow which could give a positive impact to come out people from the COVID trauma. The Gamescom All-Digital event for 2021 is scheduled from 25th August to 29th August. SO, stay tuned for that.