After PUBG mobile getting banned in India, some of the similar games are trying to capture the huge market left behind it. One of the games is Garena’s Free Fire which is introducing Hritik Rosan, the Indian superstar as an in-game character. His character is named as ‘Jai’ in the game, who is the game’s first Indian playable character.
Garena Free Fire is a battle royale game just like PUBG mobile, developed by 111 Dots Studio and published by Garena(Singapore-based publisher of the mobile game) for Android and iOS. The game became the most downloaded mobile game globally in 2019, the game received the award for the “Best Popular Game” by the Google Play Store in 2019.
It is a 50 person battle royale in which players get dropped down in a map where they have to survive to be the last man standing. Though, unlike PUBG Mobile, it lets players decide and choose the desired character from a list of various in-game characters with different kinds of “special survival ability”.
Hritik Rosan stated that-“I am thrilled to be a part of the Free Fire universe and my official avatar, Jai, that the team has created, is so cool. I hope that all the players enjoy this unique experience,”
With PUBG mobile out of the picture, Free Fire is working hard and is aiming to capture the Indian market by giving more in-game offers, cheap deals, and by adding an Indian character to the game.
Harold Teo, the producer of the game said, “At Garena, we believe in the power of localization By offering our gaming community in India the unique opportunity to play as one of India’s most recognizable stars, we wanted to reaffirm our commitment to creating memorable experiences for players here,”
The new upcoming Indian game “Fau-G” is in limelight after the PUBG mobile band and its announcement. The game might be a tough competition for Free Fire but until its release, Free Fire has the upper hand for now in the Indian market.
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