To compete with the Apple Watch, which is leading the entire smartwatch market around the globe, and the recently released Galaxy Watch 3, Fitbit launched its new flagship smartwatch named Fitbit Sense. It’s the successor of the Ionic smartwatch from 2017.
As the name suggests, the sensing facilities are the specialty of this new flagship smartwatch by Fitbit. It is equipped with two new sensors – ECG and EDA, along with some other sensors to track your skin temperature, heart rate, exercise, and so on.
The ECG sensor is similar to the features of Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch 3. The sensor allows the smartwatch to take an electrocardiogram to detect atrial fibrillation. For this, users can monitor their heart health in a better way. To take the reading, users have to put their fingers on the opposite corners of the watch. The result will be displayed on the Fitbit application in the smartphone which can be shared with a doctor or someone else.
The other sensor, EDA is there to track the stress of the user. It actually can measure the electrodermal activity which indicates the stress. If stress detected, the Fitbit app can offer tips to bring that down. This sounds very useful. To measure the stress, users need to cover the Sense with the palm. The Fitbit Premium users will get additional analysis on this.
Apart from these, there are some other sensors like a skin temperature sensor, a heart rate tracking sensor, exercise tracking hardware, GPS, and more. A speaker is added for phone calls besides the ‘edge-to-edge’ AMOLED display with the always-on and auto-brightness facility. The NFC support is there too for Fitbit Pay.
As per Fitbit, the interface is ‘completely redesigned’ by adding customizable widgets, redesigned notifications, and much more. The company is providing both the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa support to it. Despite all the packed features, the battery lasts for more than 6 days.
The Fitbit Sense will go for sale in late September in the US at $329. This will be available via and other online retailers. In the coming days this smartwatch will also launch in other countries like Australia ($499.95), Canada ($429.95), Europe (€329.95), Hong Kong (HK$2680), India (Rs.34,999) {Update: Officially confirmed}, Japan (¥39990), Mexico ($9499), New Zealand ($579.95), Singapore (S$488), and the UK (£299).
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