The NPE team, a small team under Facebook developed and released an app named Tuned for iOS platform. During these quarantine days like other social media, Facebook also trying to connect peoples through the internet. Though, this app is only for couples. As per the authority, this app provides “private space for couples”. The point is this app comes under Facebook’s data usage policy and can be used to deliver ads.
As I mentioned earlier, this app provides a privet space for couples. As per their writing, “With Tuned, you can be as mushy, quirky, and silly as you are together in person.” It provides more than privacy. You will get a scrapbook-style feed just between you two.
You can set your mood and also can see your partner’s. Sending messages, photos, notes, cards, etc are common like others. But here you can connect your Spotify account and can dedicate any song to your partner. Apart from these, custom stickers and reactions are also there.
This app is launched only for iOS still now and available in Apple App Store. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and required iOS 11.0 or later.
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