Google Play Redeem Codes for FREE Today, February 1 [₹10, 30, 100, & 800]
Google Play Redeem Codes as of February 1, 2025: All You Need to Know
Google Play, commonly referred to as the Play Store, is an...
Google Photos Adds Image Flipping Feature for Android Users in 2025
Google has introduced a new feature in its Google Photos app that allows users to flip images with ease. In the past, making a...
Google’s $250M Secret XR Plan Will Change How You Live in 2025
Google's Latest $250M Move Just Changed Your Digital Future Forever
Hey there, tech fam! Something massive just happened in the XR world, and I'm literally...
YouTube Premium Gets Cheaper for Google One Users: Here’s the Inside Scoop
Love binge-watching ad-free YouTube videos and exploring exclusive Premium features? Good news: Google is now offering a handy YouTube Premium discount to select Google...
Google proceeds to add “Suspend Advertiser ID sharing” option
Google is making its smartphone operating system better than ever with almost every update at present. We already witness a huge revamp in the...
Google Pixel Buds A-series will arrive in India later this year,...
Google has just launched its Pixel Buds A yesterday but hasn't made any statement regarding the Indian launch of this audio product (it has...
Jio and Google may bring an early Diwali block-bluster with a...
In 2020, Jio and Google inked a partnership deal to introduce an entry-level budget 5G device that will possibly run on Android 11 OS.
Google launches Pixel Buds A at just $99
Google has finally unveiled the Pixel Buds A and that too at aggressive pricing compared to any regular Pixel Buds. The regular Pixel Buds...
Google Pixel 6 aims at Apple iPhone 13 as its opponent,...
Google’s brand new GS101 Whitechapel chipset is now rumored to power the Pixel 6 device that will reportedly not match that of the Qualcomm...
Android 12 Beta 1: Emojis, Gboard Receive Redesigns
As Google has announced a brand new design language for the OS, it should not surprise that Android 12 Beta 1 introduced a lot...