Jio’s entry into the Indian telecom market forced the other operators like Airtel and Vi to drop down their service charges and to offer unlimited plans to all the customers. Almost from the beginning of 2020, the need for data increased as all of us were locked in our homes. In this time span, all the internet service providers competed with each other by providing beneficial work from home plans and that also at affordable prices.
Though the race is a bit slow now, BSNL is providing an attractive yearly unlimited plan that hardly any other IPSes are providing.
First of all, it’s a yearly plan that costs Rs.365 only and is valid for 365 days. That means services for each day the company is charging only Rs.1 and in return, the customer will get 2GB of data, unlimited calling, and 100 SMS. Point to note, for the first 60 days 250 minutes will be free for each day. Post consumption of that, the tariff of the base plan will be charged.
In simple words, BSNL’s yearly plan offers 2GB data/day, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS/day at just Rs.365.
Here are the regions where the offer is available to enjoy – Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, West Bengal, North East, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, UP East, and UP West.