The Boult Audio K40 TWS has finally been launched in India. The newly released TWS earbuds for Indian users are priced under Rs 899 and feature 13mm drivers, ENC (electronic noise cancellation) technology, rapid charging capabilities, and much more.
Boult Audio K40 TWS features, pricing, and availability
The Boult Audio K40 TWS can run on a single full charge for up to 48 hours when the charging case is attached. It can even charge quickly; after just ten minutes, one hour of music playback is achieved. The in-ear earbuds’ silicone tips and stem are paired with a pebble-shaped charging case.
AAC and SBC music codec compatibility, IPX5 water resistance certification, Bluetooth 5.3, Blick and Pair quick pairing technology, and more are additional notable features.
It is anticipated that users of the Boult K40 TWS earbuds would enjoy a superior sound quality. BoomX technology from Boult Audio is probably going to be included in the K40 TWS earbuds. In order to create a deep bass sound quality, the earbuds may also have 13mm drivers installed.
An Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) capability is anticipated for the Boult K40 TWS quad mic system. With the background noise reduced, this function should improve the clarity of the sound.
The new Boult Audio K40 TWS earphones were listed as having an initial cost of Rs 2,999. On the other hand, it may be bought for an initial price of Rs 899 on the company’s own website and Amazon. Electric Black, Khaki Green, Berry Red, Ivory White, and Denim Blue are the colors offered for the earphones.