After releasing a number of Bluetooth earphones and a smartwatch, now, India’s leading audio brand, boAt is focusing on speakers. It represents boAt Rugby Plus as proof. Needless to say, it’s the successor of the existing boAt Rugby speaker. The new speaker is launching today (31st March) vial boAt’s official website and Flipkart. The sale will start at 12 noon and costing will be Rs.1,999 only. Three color options available to choose from – Red, Blue, and Black.
- 16W Power output
- 57mm x 2 dynamic drivers
- Stereo output
- Bluetooth 5.0
- Both wired and wireless connectivity
- IPX7 Water and Splash Resistant
- Up to 7 hours battery life
- Type-C charging
Buy boAt Products:
Really, boAt has the best collection of budget bluetooth speakers.
While researching for my blog (, I came across the best boAt bluetooth speaker under 1000 rupees.