boAt to drop its new player Rockerz 255 Pro+ today via the e-commerce platform Amazon India. The selling counter will open at 12 noon sharp. The company is bringing three color options to its fans – Active Black, Navy Blue, and Teal Green. Each one costs Rs.1,499 only during the launch. As per the company, the price may hike post the offer period up to Rs.3,999. So, don’t miss the deal. To reach ASAP, you can check out the link given below.
The new Rockerz 255 Pro+ coming with almost the same design, the only change is the buttons and mouthpiece are added with the wires instead of the main body. That means the microphone can catch your instructions more clear and faster. Alongside, you may get a better calling experience. The earbuds are metallic and have magnates to provide a tangle-free experience. The IPX7 water and sweat resistance will give you additional peace while using.
Coming to the audio part, it carries the same 10mm size driver inside. However, this time, the company added Qualcomm aptX audio decoder along with Qualcomm cVc. These to will take your listening experience to the next level for sure.
There is a notable improvement in the battery life. The new Rockerz 255 Pro+ can play for up to 40 hours long. On top of that, fast charging allows getting 10 hours of top-up in just 10 minutes of charge. So, just connect it with your device via Bluetooth 5.0 and enjoy as long as you want.