Asus’s Zenfone 8 is an amazing handset and this 5.9-inch display came is powered by the top-end Snapdragon 888 SoC. And according to the latest reports, this flagship device will be getting access to the latest version of Android ahead of this new UI’s official launch date. Asus will be reportedly offering this preview in the form of its beta-test of ZenUI 8 for the 8.
The OEM has announced that those who own this phone and are interested in getting involved in this stage of its software development can apply for the program in question via the phone’s Settings.
However, the OEM has advised potential candidates that this pre-release firmware is still quite a way away from stable status hence while running this initial ZenUI 8 build will more or else be a buggy experience.
In addition, successful beta-testers are required to keep their impressions of its use to themselves, meaning that Asus would like to prefer all bug reports and issues to go directly to its dev team at this point.
This new announcement from Asus is good news for all those who own the ZenFone 8 as they can get to use Android 12 before its official unveiling. On the other hand, its OEM is still well behind others in terms of preview builds, but, as a previous user of Asus myself, the company is extremely slow in releasing software OS updates.
However, Asus has not mentioned any details regarding the updates for the ZenFone 8 Flip, the 8’s larger sibling that has retained their series’ usual signature mechanical main cameras. Those with the smaller variant now have until October 13, 2021, to enroll in the new beta program available to them.