As per a new leak, the upcoming flagship from Asus to be fueled up by a 6,000mAH battery. Earlier, Asus ROG Phone 3, ROG Phone 2 came into the market with a battery capacity of 6,000mAH. So, the upcoming Asus ROG Phone 4 is not expected to have any difference. Nowadays, if we check different flagship smartphones from various manufacturers, only one aspect they lack and that is the battery capacity. Only a few of them have reached the landmark of 5,000mAH. but 6,000mAH looks beyond imagination for a flagship. In this case, if ROG Phone 4 arrives with a 6,000mAH of battery then it should be more than sufficient for its users.
Apart from it, another report has come out that this time, Asus has decided to go with significantly faster charging in terms of the Asus ROG Phone 4. As per its predecessor, ROG Phone 3, it is fueled up by a 6,000mAH battery with 30W fast wired charging. That’s why we can expect a minimum of 60W or 65W of wired fast charging for the upcoming flagship of Asus.
Also Read: ASUS ROG Phone 4 teased in the official poster
Along with faster-wired charging, the Asus ROG Phone 4 is expected to support reverse wired charging, Quick Charge 4, and Power Delivery. Coming to its other specifications, this phone should run on the latest Android 11 OS out of the box. Regarding the display, this phone is expected to feature an AMOLED panel with a faster refresh rate of 144Hz or even higher. As it is a flagship segment from Asus, it will be powered by the octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G chipset. As of now, the company has not confirmed anything about its launch date, but we can expect it to arrive this quarter of 2021 (four months earlier than its predecessor).