ASUS announced the launch of its latest MD100 Asus Marshmallow Mouse in India for a decent price of Rs.1,499. The mouse carries a minimalistic design and is extremely appealing in terms of aesthetics. The brand has launched the mouse in a bunch of attractive colors as well. Let us take a look at the specs of the mouse.
ASUS MD100 Marshmallow Mouse details:
The latest offering from ASUS arrives in a bunch of colorways and it is made for users who are looking for a trusty mouse for their daily work and study. It arrives with a magnetic cover which makes it unique.
This cover is removable with colored toppers and it comes in color sets such as Quiet Blue and Lilac Mist Purple which makes it simpler to change the look of your mouse based on your mood!
The mouse has a strap that makes it stand out as well which not only adds an aesthetic appeal but also is extremely functional as users can carry it on the go. The MD100 mouse is extremely durable, the brand claims that it will last thrice as long as a normal office mouse. With just a single AA battery, the mouse can run for an entire year.
To make the mouse even better, the brand has restricted the nose that it makes when users click it to just 20 decibels and it will last for 10 million clicks. The mouse’s feet is made out of PTFE which means your mouse will move like butter even on the roughest of surfaces.
There is also an antibacterial guard on the mouse that suppresses the spreading and distribution of germs by 99 percent over 24 hours. The MD100 supports dual-mode connectivity that supports 2.4GHz and Bluetooth, while its in-built power-efficient technology translates to a single battery giving up to a year of control.
In terms of pricing, the mouse retails for Rs.1,499 and is available on Flipkart and the official site of the brand. The first sale will take place on the 5th of August 2022.
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