On Tuesday evening, social media giants Facebook and Instagram experienced widespread outages across India and various other regions globally. Users encountered difficulties logging into both platforms and reported being automatically logged out. Additionally, many faced issues with refreshing Instagram pages and were prompted to change their passwords.
So, don’t be worried about your accounts. You will be able to log back in once the server issues have been sorted out.
The outage affected a significant number of users, as indicated by reports on the outage tracking website Downdetector.com. The website recorded over 300,000 reports of outages for Facebook and more than 20,000 reports for Instagram. Messages such as “Log in again; session expired; couldn’t refresh feed” appeared for users attempting to access the platforms via their respective apps.
The outage caused frustration among users who rely on these platforms for communication, networking, and entertainment. Soon after the Facebook and Instagram outages, some YouTube users also encountered similar issues, further adding to the disruption experienced by social media users on Tuesday evening.