The experimental browser Safari Technology Preview, which Apple first unveiled in March 2016, received a new update from Apple. Apple created the Safari Technology Preview to try out features that could be included in later versions of the browser.
Bug fixes and speed enhancements for Web Inspector, CSS, Shadow DOM, JavaScript, Web Animations, Web Share, WebAuthn, Web API, Rendering, and Accessibility are included in Safari Technology Preview release 150.
Based on the Safari 16 update, the current Safari Technology Preview version supports features such as Live Text, Passkeys, enhanced Web Extensions, and more that will be included in the upcoming macOS Ventura release.
Contrary to earlier builds, the current build of Safari Technology Preview is compatible with devices running macOS 13 Ventura, however, it is no longer compatible with macOS Big Sur.
Anyone who has downloaded the browser can access the Safari Technology Preview update using the Software Update feature in System Preferences. On the website for Safari Technology Preview, you may read the update’s complete release notes.
With Safari Technology Preview, Apple hopes to get feedback on its browser development process from users and developers. Despite being intended for developers, Safari Technology Preview may coexist with the current Safari browser and can be downloaded without a developer account.
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